Sunday, September 1, 2019

Cloudways Black Friday Hosting Deals For 2019

Keeping a budget is hard these days, no? No matter how much we earn, we often find it hard to put up with all our desires and at the end of every month, we are all clueless of where our salary went. Whatever we want to purchase, clothing, gadgets or any service, we really want us to get a discount. Maybe a sale, or a coupon or maybe a discount code, we just want short prices on everything. Here we shall take a deeper look at one of the best hosting providing service, Cloudways Hosting and more particularly, Cloudways Black Friday.
Cloudways Black Friday Deals

Cloudways Black Friday deal is a special deals day happen once in a year and if you’re looking to get discount on Cloudways without the black friday then you can find out some exclusive coupons on Blogging Scout which claims to be offering up to 25% exclusive discount on all cloudways hosting plans & also offers some free credits coupons.

A majority of people are turning towards the internet in order to grow their business or make a career for themselves. For this, you need a portfolio as well as a website. Making a portfolio is simple. Where people get stuck is how to develop a great website without much expertise or budget.

Obviously, for any web developing task you need two things, skill and money. While many people lack the skill of website developing they also fail to save enough budget to pay another expert to work for them. This leads to failure and breaking of dreams. However with services like Cloudways Hosting, your task can be made much simple and you can pull majority of the work yourself. The rest is, obviously handled by Cloudways who are always there for their users.


Developing a website can both be easy and difficult. We are not going to dive into the extreme details of website creation, rather we will just look at the core of website creation. A website runs solely on domain and hosting. Domain and hosting carry a lock and key relation. Without domain, hosting is worthless and without hosting domain has no value.

Domain is the name of your website. It is hard to remember the IP addresses of a lot of websites, but, it is easy to remember their name. This is exactly what domain is. Domain is actually the identification of your IP address. If your website is, for example then abc is the domain name of your website. This is the explanation of Domain name in the simplest of words.
On the other hand, hosting is the main body of the website.

Whatever you do on your website. Whatever data you put on it (whether text, pictures, gifs, videos, animations) or whatever changes you make on your website such as modifying the UI from time to time, adding widgets or shortcuts, adding referral links or ads, is basically done on the hosting.

Hosting service allows you to interact with your website and design it any way you want it to.  Hosting is connected to domain and a basic website is formed. As mentioned above, without domain or hosting website cannot be developed and if any one of these services goes down, the entire website shuts down.

Domain and hosting must be bought very carefully from trusted sources only and Cloudways is one very trusted source.


Cloudways is a hosting providing service which is one of the most promising and rapidly growing under its category . It is not an ordinary web hosting service, instead, it is a cloud based wordpress hosting service. In technical words, cloud hosting is the hosting which assists you by using the resources of more than one clustered servers. What this means in simple words is that your website will run upon virtual resources of a lot of servers in order to provide a hosting service to your webpage.

There are a lot of ways in which cloud hosting stands apart from ordinary hosting services. One such feature is the ability of accessing you hosting sevice from anywhere. As the name, ‘cloud’ suggests that you can access your hosting plan or your website, in general from anywhere across the globe. The services which are extracted from a cloud server means that users get a properly designed virtual server which has way too many capabilities than a normal physical server.

Coming back to our main concern which is Cloudways, it is claimed to completely change the way you work with Wordpress. Yes, there is far more other than wordpress for why a hosting plan is needed, but, Cloudways really excels in providing services associated to wordpress.

You can migrate your website onto their hosting services if you have signed up and registered your website to another hosting plan before and all it requires is a simple click, no, long processes or payments.

They have a FAQ or help section which provides solutions to the most common as well as some advanced or technical ones which wordpress users may encounter while using their service. The best part about all the above mentioned good stuff is that it requires zero sweat. Just one click and you are done with everything.


With all the above mentioned features in mind, it is very easy to believe that Cloudways service require some good amount of Dollars to purchase. However, this is not the trust. Cloudways offers its users multiple hosting plans to choose from and they all the very affordable.

Small bloggers or big businessmen, every one can find a hosting plan of their interest and at very affordable rates. Not even this, but, CLoudways often puts their services on discounts and you can learn here how to get discount on cloudways which even reduces the rate of hosting plans and therefore, makes them accessible to even more number of users.

Cloudways Black Friday is another feature initiated by Cloudways service. This feature is inspired by the famous Black Friday sale trend which is famous all around the world. On this day, Cloudways puts unbelievable discounts on their hosting plans. The best part abut them is that anyone can be a part of that sale. You donot need any codes, membership or you donot need to pay any taxes in order to avail this feature. Head over to their website now to avail this chance.

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